Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hire the Right People part 3

All effective interviewers have a long list of each of the 3 types of questions that apply to each aspect of the job and the company. (See previous post for the 3 types of questions). Simply stated, an effective interviewer is someone who is able to explore the candidate in such a manner so as to gather the required information to make an intelligent hiring decision. An intelligent decision is one that you can support with specific information if asked why you believe the applicant will succeed at the job, align with the company culture, and mesh with the other employees.

Another important aspect in hiring the right people is the proper use of a cooperation-test before the next interview. A cooperation-test is a project to perform, which will provide you with valuable insights when the applicant brings you the completion of the project. Give the applicant minimal instructions, and have them bring their effort to the next interview.  If they fail to do the project, listen closely to their excuses, etc.  This will enable you to discover the differences between the talkers and the doers, and you will learn much about the applicant regarding how they are likely to act when they fail on the job.

If the applicant completes the assignment, carefully observe how it is packaged, the neatness factor, the degree of effort and sophistication, and much more. Obviously the scope of the project is associated with the type of the job for which the applicant is applying.

Cooperation-test options: Potential managers may be asked to describe (write-up) the management style of the best manger for whom they have worked. A programmer may be asked to write a synopsis of a certain software program. Salesperson may be asked to do a little research on your number one competitor's product. Write a review of their opinion of your website. The options are limitless.

NOTE: They way the applicant performs in relation to the cooperation-test enables you to learn the degree of effort the applicant puts into the project, the way it is laid out, the container in which in resides when they submit it you. That which you can learn from a cooperation-test is limitless, and there is likely a correlation as to how they will conduct themselves on the job.

Most people are clueless regarding the massive cost of hiring the wrong person. I suggest, if you hire quickly you also fire quickly. An unhappy or ineffective associate can contaminate others and cost you thousands of dollars. The moment you have a inkling that an associate is not performing or producing as you anticipated; it is time for a meeting to review the job description, production quotas, and performance records. Hiring with a probationary period, often makes it easier to terminate when the first 30, 60, 90 days don’t go as you imagined they would.

Terminating employees can be likened to pruning a tree; overall it is a healthy process for the tree/company. I am not suggesting a fear-based environment, or capriciously firing people. Terminations work best when the manager utilizes a clearly stated job description, along with performance/production quotas that keep the conversation from getting mired in the subjective, so you can concentrate on the objective components. When managers deal in specifics and measurables, associates know precisely how well they are doing in light of expectations. This type of environment makes terminating associates a very smooth and easy process.

This is final post of three…hopefully, you have picked up an idea or two that will enable you to make more effective hiring and placement decisions.




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