Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to Hire the Right People

Unless you are strictly an e-commerce company, your greatest assets are your people. No product or service sells itself; it takes people to consummate the transaction.

In most instances, a company with average products or services and great people will outperform a company with great products or services and average people.

Finding, hiring, training, and managing people is key for a profitable business.

Finding: Smart companies are constantly recruiting and have a waiting list of people they can call anytime they need to add to their staff or an opening occurs. Generally those on the waiting list are currently employed and looking to better themselves. You these people while doing your life and noted that you would like to contact them when an opening occurs in your company.

Hiring: To effectively hire, you must know precisely what type of person you are looking for. For that to occur, you must thoroughly understand the key demands of the position for which you are hiring. For example, in sales, Reps must be good communicators, able to handle rejection, and be organized. In management, Managers must be good communicators, be organized, and able to defer their ego to the benefit of the team. In accounting, individuals must be organized, less into the people skills and more into the digital skills. For the best hire, each job requires a different type of personality and set of skills.
Assuming you know the demands of the job, it is now time to find the right person. Generally, if you hire fast you must be willing to fire fast. Most prudent hires will include at least three interviews and sometimes more, depending on the importance of the position, and the complexity of the job.

The first interview is generally a “knock-out” interview. As quickly as possible, you must decide who isn’t a candidate for the position. For that to occur you must have some clearly defined non-negotiables (traits the applicant must possess or not possess). Some examples of non negotiable are: reliable transportation, proficiency in typing/data entry, software, social media, ability to multi-task, ability to handle rejection, no use of drugs. You can easily create your list of non-negotiables, when you clearly understand the physical and psychological demands of each job.

Only the supervisor truly knows the traits necessary for success in the positions they manage. This is often a challenge when HR does all the screening and hiring. You will have more stellar hires when HR and supervisors collaborate on the ideal candidate for each position.

The first interview can easily be a telephone conversation, preceded by some combination of an Application, online questionnaire (e-mailed or at your website), a psychological screening test, letters of recommendation, etc.

It is imperative that prior to the first interview you have as much data on the person as possible; all provided by them. It is their initial investment for the privilege of working for your company. You cannot afford to INVEST valuable time with anybody without first knowing that their strengths indicate they are capable of excelling in the position.

This is part 1 of 3. Each week, I will provide additional insights to help you streamline the hiring process, so you will consistently hire the right people for the right positions. 

**Between now and June 30th, buy one and get a second profile for FREE.

Our online test is designed to better enable you to determine those who are the best fit for each position. Take it yourself and verify our accuracy and the depth of usable information. The profiles are also an excellent management tool for new and existing personnel. www.insyncness.com/resources

Also check out In-Syncness for Leaders & Managers. A now perspective on Leadership and Management; you will be pleased with this read. www.insyncness.com/books

If you want to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your current staff, encourage them to read In-Syncness the State of Being. You will be amazed at what will happen to the culture and profitability of your company. www.insyncness.com/books
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